
Meet JJ.

She's under pressure.

On her way home to study for an important exam, her boss calls to demand she works a night shift.
The extra money will help her family make rent this month, but failing the exam means she'll be held back from graduating high school this year.
What should she do?
JJ's parents have been struggling to make ends meet, so the extra money on her paycheck made a big difference.
But she failed her test and won't graduate. She's lost her chance to go to college next year.
Another difficult decision: Should she drop out of school permanently to work full-time, or speak to a guidance counselor at school?
JJ passed her test!

This will look great on her transcript when she applies for college in the spring.

But refusing the extra shift has a cost. Her boss has cut her schedule and her parents won't make rent this month.
Eviction means deeper family debt and no support for college.
Should she put her college dreams on hold, or ask a guidance counselor for help?
JJ decides to drop out and get a full-time job.
She'll have to forget about her dream of going to college.
But one of JJ's co-workers tells her about how Mercy Home helped their cousin. She decides to check it out.
JJ visits her school guidance counselor.
They discuss her struggle to balance school, work, and possible eviction.
The guidance counselor understands that this is a common challenge for many students, and refers JJ to Mercy Home.
So often, kids need to decide between their education and helping their families at home.
For kids like JJ, Mercy Home is a lifeline.
If they need a place to live, or a hot meal, Mercy Home offers a safe harbor.
If they need to feel supported and empowered to develop their skills, graduate high school, and be active participants in their community, we're there.
When it comes to nurturing the future of young people in Chicago, we all share a common thread:

Mercy Home.
